Best Google Ads Hacks That’ll Double Your Conversion Rate

Google Ads Hacks That'll Double Your Conversion Rate

Ask yourself – Are your Google Ads optimized to their full potential? Does it drive conversions or generate revenue?

Once your Google Ads campaign is running and you’re getting a good amount of clicks on your ads and keywords, the most important thing you need to keep a track of is that how many of these clicks get converted to sales. Conversion rate optimization is very important for any business or service. The average conversion rate is 2-3% and here are Google ads hacks that will double your conversion rate:

1. Mobile-friendly

The mobile phone traffic has reached 50.28% in 2020 amid covid conditions. And this number will increase in the coming years as more and more people would access the web through their phones.

“Call-only Ads” & “App Promotion Ads” are specifically designed for phones that allow people to call and install apps directly on phones.

  • Construct a mobile-friendly landing page for your Google Ads
  • Keep an eye on online as well as offline mobile conversions
  • Highlight important information first in accordance with mobile display

2. Negative Keywords

Using negative keywords is a unique conversion strategy and a smart way to grow revenue. The display of your Google Ads will not be triggered by specific search terms by using negative keywords and generate more leads than usual. These boost ROI, increase CTR & reduce CPC. These are some of the keywords you can use:

  • discount
  • free
  • price
  • download
  • consumer
  • torrent
  • YouTube

and much more.

3. A Catchy Ad Copy

You must align the Ad copy with the landing page to generate more clicks and improve your quality score. The quality score decides the quality of Google Ads, keywords, landing pages, and how effective your campaign is.

Put yourself in the consumers’ shoes and generate an Ad Copy that has good reviews, a solution for user’s issues, and also creates an emotional connection with them. Work on giving a good user experience to the consumers.

4. Consumer-focused Approach

It is quite easy to add an audience to ad groups. It is important to have a targeted audience so as to get more and more conversions. For successful Google Ads, it’s necessary that it reaches the correct user-base and delivers the right message at right time.

So, you don’t need to target everyone in your Ad but tend to reach a specific targeted audience.

5. Competitor Analysis

It’s a very fruitful hack to increase your conversion rate. You always need to keep an eye on what ads others are running on the products and services similar to yours. It’s highly efficient to bid on competitor keywords and it also cuts down the research work.

You would already know others’ tactics and get an idea of how to proceed and get keywords that are working best for them.

6. Remarketing

Remarketing re-engages the indecisive visitors and persuades them to complete the conversion process which they might not have completed the last time they visited your site. It is a very effective hack for conversion rate optimization and generates good revenue.

Here are some points of interest for consumers that you can consider:

  • Increased membership duration for remarketing audience
  • Provide complimentary services or products
  • Target abandoned carts

These are some effective Google Ads hacks to double your conversion rate and master the art of advertising. Just keep testing and learning what works for you in a long run.

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